Course Duration: 2 days

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What is Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the mental health equivalent of physical first aid. This training is an internationally recognised and accredited two-day course developed by Mental Health First Aid England. It is designed to raise awareness of mental health and reduce the stigma and discrimination surrounding mental health issues.

Attending this course provides the practical skills, knowledge and confidence to recognise the symptoms of mental health issues; effectively support anyone experiencing mental distress or crisis; and provide information on how to guide those experiencing problems towards seeking appropriate professional help.

A Growing Concern

One in four of us are likely to experience a mental health problem each year which is likely to impact on our ability to work.

Mental ill health is the single largest cause of disability in the UK, with the cost of mental illness to the economy estimated at around £105 billion annually. This includes direct costs of services, lost productivity at work and reduced quality of life.

Who is the Training Course Aimed at?

This course is ideal for anyone wanting to become a Mental Health First Aider and/or to increase their knowledge of mental health issues, including HR professionals, Line Managers, Wellbeing/Mental Health Champions, Occupational Health and Health and Safety representatives.

To enable companies to manage the health and safety of their people during the pandemic, 1st Choice Safety has launched a brand new portfolio of virtual classroom training courses, including our virtual classroom mental health first aid course. To find out more or to book a course, please complete our Course Enquiry form. We look forwarding to hearing from you.

Course Enquiry

The Course is Divided into Four Specific Sections Covering:

Assessment Covers:

  • Why Mental Health First Aid, a practical action plan and impact of mental health issues
  • Depression and suicidal crisis including approach, treatment and resources
  • Anxiety, personality disorders, eating disorders and self-harm
  • Psychosis, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

In Each Section Participants Will Learn How To:

  • Spot the early signs of a mental health issue
  • Feel confident helping someone experiencing a mental health issue
  • Provide help on a first aid basis
  • Intervene to help prevent someone from hurting themselves or others
  • Help stop a mental health issue from getting worse, and aid faster recovery
  • Guide someone towards the right support